
Three students acting in plan. One is in a white wig speaking.


学生 at the University of 南 Alabama can choose to minor in drama. 开发 your knowledge of theater by means of practice with a strong grounding in theater history, dramatic literature, performance studies and dramatic theory.

To earn a minor in drama, students must take a minimum of 22 semester hours in Theatre 和舞蹈,包括:

  • DRA 100 Theatre Workshop Rehearsal & Performance OR DRA 101 Theatre Workshop Tech Production OR DRA 102 Theatre Workshop Special Activities.
  • DRA 110 Introduction to Theatre.
  • DRA 125 Fundamentals of Acting 
  • DRA 135 Fundamentals of Technical Theatre I OR DRA 136 Fundamentals of Technical Theatre II OR DRA 235 Fundamentals of Design 
  • DRA 150文本分析.
  • DRA 350 Theatre History I OR DRA 351 Theatre History II.
  • 6 additional upper division hours in Drama