

电子研究管理(小马) 系统记录了首席研究员、副校长之间的理解 调查人员和他/她的系主任,院长和大学官员 expected allocation of institutional resources and the terms and conditions of the 预期拨款/批出合约. 这是首席研究员的义务 and Co-Principal Investigator(s) to ensure all entries on 小马 are completed and 是准确的.

In order to assist faculty with the expeditious return of signed proposals, proposal applications (signed through the college-level) are to be submitted to the Sponsored Projects Administration Office at least five (5) working days 之前 the proposal 截止日期. 这段时间需要充分审查提案预算和表格 并获得大学级别的签名. 请与赞助项目管理处联络 如果你不能在规定的五天期限内完成,请及时完成.


▼   大学助学金管理人员

的 initial contact for most faculty members are with the Departmental or College/Unit 授予管理员. University Transmittal sheets must be reviewed by the College Grants Administrator 之前 获得主席/院长签名.

For colleges not listed at the above link or for other units/offices, please contact 赞助项目管理处,电话:(251)460-7888.

▼   以电子方式提交建议书

所有提案,无论是纸质还是电子提交,都必须通过 大学通过电子提案提交系统(小马). Most electronic submissions will be handled through 赞助项目管理. If the proposal will be submitted via email or a system which does not require authorized university personnel to submit, the PI is required to complete the submission process.

▼   提案路由流程图

提案路由流程图 提供提案应用程序路由过程的可视化概述.

▼   提案路由程序

填写电子提案上所有适用的字段.  这必须是完整的 路由之前.


提案# —系统自动生成.

建议文摘 -此外,请注意,摘要的信息可能会转发到 如获批准,由营销和传播办公室负责新闻发布.

本年度预算 & 整个项目期间 -请提供直接、间接和合计的相关信息 成本.

所有预算数字应四舍五入到最接近的整数. 请 在你的预算数字中不包括美分吗.

请选择合适的 间接成本率 从电子系统的下拉列表中.

Cost sharing from a source other than your department or college must include appropriate 文档. 例如,学费减免必须包括附带的电子邮件或信件 来自研究生院长. 横幅账号必须为每个成本分摊列出 项目(16位数字-基金、机构、项目).

管理评审 – 请 select the applicable compliance type and complete the appropriate accompanying 信息.

出口管制 -请检查每个问题,并根据情况选择是或否.

知识产权 -请仔细检查每个项目,并根据需要选择“是”或“否”.

利益冲突证明 -请仔细检查每个项目,并根据需要选择“是”或“否”.


▼   研究合规路由程序

动物使用: Federal regulations regarding the use of animals require that a protocol be reviewed 当动物被用于研究、测试或教学时,也会得到批准. 此外, 所有实地研究都需要申请使用动物. 美国的政策 requires review of all vertebrate animals such as mammals, reptiles, amphibians and 鱼. 有关动物使用的问题,请致电IACUC办公室460-6863或 http://opk9.lunchpenny.com/departments/Research/compliance/animalcare.

人类被试: 联邦法规和美国政策要求教职员工或学生进行指导 研究 involving human subjects to obtain review and approval from an Institutional 审查委员会(IRB)在研究开始之前. 如有疑问,请致电IRB 办公室电话:460-6308或 http://www.usouthal.edu/departments/Research/compliance/humansubjects.

胚胎干细胞: 请 contact the Office of 研究 Compliance at 460-6625 if the 研究 requires 胚胎干细胞的使用.

生物材料: Examples of biological materials include: recombinant DNA, RNA, potentially infectious 制剂、人体血液/组织/液体或源自人体的原代细胞培养物或 非人灵长类动物. 如有疑问,请致电IBC办公室460-6863或 http://opk9.lunchpenny.com/departments/Research/compliance/biosafety.

选定药剂或毒素: Contact the Office of 研究 Compliance at 460-6625 in advance of proposal submission 涉及特定药剂或毒素的项目. 选定代理和的列表 毒素可在以下网址购买: http://www.selectagents.gov/SelectAgentsandToxinsList.html.

出口管制: 如果:1)出口管制设备、信息或技术将 be exported or utilized by the University during the course of the project; 2) travel to foreign countries; 3) the funding source limits USA’s submission of manuscripts for publication, restricts the use of the data or results from the project that will 影响美国的出版自由,或限制谁可以工作 the project; 4) individuals, agencies, consultants, universities, or entities from a foreign country are working with USA on the project/program; or 5) you will be using 你的研究项目中的任何加密软件都不能在大众市场上买到. For additional questions regarding exported controlled items, please call the Office 研究合规,电话:460-6509或 http://opk9.lunchpenny.com/departments/Research/compliance/exportcontrol.

财务利益冲突: 公共卫生服务机构(看到列表) and the National Science Foundation require that the investigator disclose potential conflicts of interest that might be created by participation in the proposed sponsored 活动. 当教职员工处于某个职位时,会产生财务利益冲突 to benefit 就我个人而言 from or to influence either directly or indirectly University business, 研究, or other decisions in ways that could lead to gain for the 教员/员工, 教职员工的家人或其他人. 这是学校的政策和条件 所有财务利益冲突必须每年披露一次 以及任何新的活动,以消除或尽量减少他们对 任何专业或研究活动. 该政策要求公开所有的互动 涉及每个教师/工作人员的任何金额的经济利益或 教员/员工's Family as well as of all interactions that could be reasonably perceived 偏向机构责任. 调查人员必须证明这是适当的 在申请拨款时已作出披露.

此外, for all PHS proposals, the Financial Conflicts of Interest Certification form is completed by the Principal Investigator submitting the electronic proposal and uploaded to attachments to document compliance that a current disclosure is on 在申请拨款时提交. 认证表格应由 Principal Investigator any time there is a change in the facts reported during the period of award within 30 days of discovering or acquiring a new financial interest. 在财务利益冲突证明表格上列出的调查人员是 需要完成财务利益冲突培训 之前 从事研究活动及经费支出.

辐射安全: 如有放射性物质或产生电离辐射的装置,包括x射线 units, electron microscopes, and particle accelerators, will be used or the 研究 involve lasers, including Class 1M, Class 2M, Class 3R, Class 3B, and Class 4 lasers, 请致电460-7063与辐射安全办公室联系寻求帮助.

安全 & 环保合规

剧毒气体: 如果拟议的研究将涉及剧毒和/或反应性气体(例如. 光气、 氰化氢、氟等.),请与安全及环保合规处联络 办公室,460 - 7070.

化学成分: If the proposed 研究 will require the use of chemicals, please contact the 安全 & 环境合规办公室,460-7070.

一般安全: 所有涉及设施改造和/或新建活动的项目 must be reviewed by the University’s Engineering Design and Construction department. Other conditions that may pose a potential hazard for faculty, staff, students and/or visitors not specifically mentioned within the body of this document must be submitted 安全 & 环境合规办公室,460-7070.

环境合规: 拟议的研究是否会对环境造成实际或潜在的影响 如需许可,请与安全部门联系 & 环境合规办公室,460-7070. 超过50加仑的油箱需要移动消防局的许可,联系 向大学消防队长咨询,电话:460-7070.

▼   电子审批

电子提案是授予赠款的官方和可审计记录. As an official grant record, each signatory must comply with the following procedures. 

首席和副首席调查员必须 就我个人而言 认证并签署电子提案.

部门主席或代理主席或授权机构必须 就我个人而言 认证并签署电子提案.

院长或助理/副院长或授权机构必须 就我个人而言 认证并签署电子提案.

授权给另一所大学的教职员工,可以由 系主任或教务长指定经认证的个人为受托人 authority by completing a 小马 研究 Suite change request and uploading a signed 对请求的信.  授权不是针对短期缺勤的.

▼   电子提交,邮寄和最终副本


For most electronic submissions, the 赞助项目管理 will make the 直接提交给主办方. 对于论文提交,首席研究员 is responsible for completing the application package according to the sponsor guidelines, making all necessary copies of the application, and mailing the application package to the sponsor after the Authorized Organizational Representative has approved the 电子提案系统中的提案.

Final copies of the full proposal, including proposal narrative and appendices should 上载至电子建议书系统.

记录保留 -请注意,赞助项目管理局存档了拒绝的提案 大约一年. 这是首席研究员的责任 保留建议书的副本(电子和硬拷贝). 获资助的建议包括 自项目结束日期起保存五年.